Welcome to my new website where you can view my early & recent work. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.
If you have any questions please refer to my contact page. I would love to hear from you!
"Dale Messick who created Brenda Starr in the heydey of the serialized comic strip was an inspiration to Mary Lou as a young person and continues to hold a beacon lighting her creative
path to this day. Frequently there is a humorous angle to these works often creating autobiographic
tableaux casting popular culture characters to step in for the real life counterparts. The character Brenda Starr frequently acts as an alter ego in these works." Karl Wirsum, Chicago Imagist
Special thanks to MartinJon Garcia for this wonderful video & interview about me & my work:

My new piece The Attack of the Emojis
has been accepted at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences in Loveladies, New Jersey
The exhibition will be on display fron July 11 - July 20 with a reception on Saturday, July 9, 2016.
© 2014 Mary Lou Novak